St Patrick's Primary School Pakenham
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136 Princes Highway
Pakenham VIC 3810

Phone: 03 5943 9000



"That they may all be one, as you Father, are in me and I am in you"

Newsletter for 18th February 2021

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Newsletter for 18th February 2021

Dear Parents,


It is wonderful that we were all able to return to onsite schooling today. As I wrote last week’s newsletter I could not have imagined the week that lay ahead!  I thank all families for your flexibility and cooperation.  I would also like to thank the staff for the way they adapted to the changes so quickly.

It appears that the unfortunate reality we face is that schooling may vary in its format at times throughout the year.  Last Friday taught us that these changes can be implemented with very little notice.  Please note that as information is forwarded to us whenever changes occur we will communicate to parents as soon as possible. 

COVID Procedures

I remind parents that the following procedures are in place for the safety of all;

  • Parents wishing to come into the grounds to drop off or collect their children must wear a mask, scan the QR code on the way in and wait out the front of the classroom. Please do not enter the rooms and social distance whilst waiting.  You must limit your visit to less than 15 minutes, gates open at 3pm at the end of the day.
  • Parents waiting for children in the pick-up lines need to ensure that their children know which carpark to go to.
  • Meetings with staff are by appointment only. Any parent that is going to be in the school for more than 15 minutes needs to sign on and complete the COVID form at the Office.
  • Please communicate with staff via phone or email.
  • The Office is open if required, however, please wear a mask and observe the density limits (maximum of 6 people). It is preferable to phone or email if possible rather than come to the Office.
  • All extra cleaning and hand hygiene that was in place is still being adhered to.
  • Please do not send food items to share with others when it is your child’s birthday as they cannot be handed out.
  • If your child is sick, or displaying symptoms, please keep them at home. Children that present as sick or displaying symptoms at school will be sent home.
  • Bubble taps are operational at school.
  • An ample amount of sports equipment will be provided at school so we ask that students do not bring equipment from home.

 Family Learning Conversations 2nd and 3rd of March

Our Family Learning Conversations will be conducted on the 2nd and the 3rd of March.  Please note that due to COVID the Family Learning Conversations will again be via Google Meet.  Please book online  at using parent code kghm5 .  Teachers will send out the google meet link prior to the meeting.  Please be available at the time you have booked.  

School Board

Our School Board are looking for another member.  If you are able to help out please contact the school office via email .

Stranger Danger

Throughout the lockdown period we had a stranger in the Church driveway area and there has been some reports of strangers around other local schools.  We will be talking to the children about safety awareness at school and I would encourage you to do the same at home.

2022 Foundation (Prep) Tours

We are currently taking Foundation enrolments and running 2022 Foundation (Prep) Tours by appointment.  If you know of anyone considering St Pat’s for their child please ask them to call the school Office on 5943-9000 and book a tour.

 Operoo and SZapp

 It is very important that we have your correct contact details.   All correspondence is sent out via the emails that are linked to your Operoo accounts.  Please make sure this is the email you use regularly.  Detailed instructions are listed further in this newsletter.   SZapp is our notification app available to anyone from your app store.  Correspondence and notifications are also sent out via this platform.  Instructions to download the app are also listed further in the newsletter.   









Tum 3D, Brody 4T, Jett 4D, Laura 1W, Ariya 1W, Rosaline 5TA, Grace 3S, Alofa 3D, Lucas 4D, Monica 5SA, Evie 4D, Jaelen 6L, Tully 6R



Tuesday 2nd March 2021

Family Learning Converstations - to book log onto: 

use code kghm5

Wednesday 3rd March 2021

Family Learning Converstations - to book log onto: 

use code kghm5

 Thursday 4th March 2021

School Photos -

To order click on the following link;

         School Photographs Orders

       Access Key: FEX5MAN3

No need to return anything to school!


Wednesday 31st March 2021

Last day of Term 1 for students

Why Play is Important!

If any families are struggling at this time and would like to reach out for a chat or support please contact Meg Escalante, our Wellbeing officer, via email on

You can also visit the Be You website which has contact numbers for you to call. 


An invitation to book a date for the Grade 4 Reconciliation went out via Operoo earlier this week.   If you did not receive it please log on to your Operoo accounts and check for it. 

If you have any questions in regards to this or any other Sacrament please contact Noleen Chalmers via 

If you do not want your child to participate please ignore.


Sacrament Dates for 2021

Reconciliation - Grade 4 Students

    23rd and 24th February - Booking details set out via Operoo!

First Holy Communion - Grade 4 and Grade 5 Students

21st and 22nd April - Parent Workshop

Communion Masses - Every Saturday and Sunday in May - Booking details will be given out during the Workshops. 

Confirmation - Grade 6 Students

22nd July - Parent Workshop

31st July - 1st August - Enrolment Masses

7th and 8th August - Formation Masses

14th and 15th August - Formation Masses

20th and 21st August - Confirmation Masses

Reconciliation - Grade 3 Students

14th October - Parent Workshop

20th and 21st October - Reconcilation 



Communication is sent via Operoo's email system so please make sure this is set up and up to date.  If you need to update or change an email address please log on to your existing account and click on the 3 lines in the top right corner.  A menu will open up, click on 'My Account' then on 'Change My Email'.  Then all you have to do is follow the instructions.  (Enter your new email and verify it).  Then you will be good to go.   We will be notified of your new email address and we will be able to update it in our system.   

Please click on the link for detailed instructions.

If you do not follow these steps and we update it from our end all the data you have entered will be lost and you will have to create a new account and profile. 

Please log in and accept the ICT User Agreement for 2021 if you havent already done so!

Please remember to update any details in Operooo, for example change of address or phone number,  this will send us a message that your details have changed and we are then able to update our database.

Don't forget to upload your child's hayfever letters including symptoms specific to your child!

If you have any problems using Operoo, please call into the school office preferably on a Monday, Thursday or Friday and we will be able to help you.  

Have you installed the new SZapp?   

Skoolbag is no longer being used, install SZapp now! 

 Follow the installation guide below to install the new app on your smart devices.  

Grade 5 and 6 were asked, as part of there Homework style tasks on Monday, to go for a Nature walk or search their backyards and collect colourful or different leaves and flowers.  Then they were to make a Mandala.  Below is an example of what was sent in.

School Photographs for 2021 - St Patricks Pakenham

will be by our School Photographers, Spargo Photography.

On  Thursday, 4 March 2021.

Students are to be in full school uniform.


There is no need to return any forms or payment to school before photo day, however, sibling photos must be requested online before 5pm the day prior.

To order click on the following links;

                School Photographs Orders

                Access Key: FEX5MAN3


If you have any inquiries, please contact us on (03) 5942 5234